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How To Look Your Personal Best With A Simple Pair Of Frames

Eyewear Power

Eyewear is attractive as it adds more symmetry to your face. Basically it makes your face look more symmetric and thus more attractive. Apart from this they provide protection to your eyes from direct sun or vision problems. So to say, skip the lens and dive into a nice pair of spectacles and always carry a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes!

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However, apart from styling, frames should be such as to suit your face structure the best. The basic face shapes have already been discussed in detail so please do refer to the blog and make sure you have identified your face structure as the further discussion will be in context of the same.

The purpose of this blog is to provide an easy solution for the men who wish to shop for eyewear online and are hesitant about the final look since you cannot really try them on before purchase.

Dr.Mike glasses look

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The most basic and important rule is that your frames should be proportionate to your face.

Smaller frames for a smaller face and the glamorous big frames for bigger faces. If this rule is not followed, it will just ruin the facial proportion. You can easily find frames in all shapes and sizes for this very purpose of ensuring that every person can have his own customized, personal best look.

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The trick is that if your face is too angular or sharp, rounder and curvier frames will suit your face and if your face is round or oblong, angular frames will give you the edge and sharpness you require. Frames can effectively alter the appearance of your face structure and it is almost astonishing how much difference a good pair of frames would make!

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