2017 is over. Did you know according to experts all over the world 2017 was a very bad year? Well whatever is the general perception the year is finally over. I don’t know about you guys but in my house there is a very strict rule. We do not start the New Year surrounded by the junk of the last year. It is considered to be a bad start or a bad omen. We believe that when your home is clean and rid of the clutter, creativity, positivity and wealth flow in.
So with the end of 2017, I give you my check list of the 5 things you can throw to get some positivity for the year 2018.
- Old Bath Towels and Kitchen Rags: These have a short shelf life. Towels you can replace once in two years but kitchen rags need to be replaced every few months.
2. Cards, Invites, and Old Stationery: Recycle the waste paper. Make room for the coming year.
3. Wire Hangers: Especially if they have become entangles and mangy.
4. Power Cords and Cables: I don’t know why people believe in keeping power chords and cables which are long dead or outdated. They may have sold or thrown away the actual devices but keep the wires. I don’t know whether it is for the memories or they believe they can bring them back to life.
5. Old Clothes: Apparels which are no longer in fashion, or are torn, or frayed or that no longer fit should be discarded to make room for the new styles and trends of 2018

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