Since time immemorial there has been a constant war between comfort and fashion. But surely there are several options for men that are comfortable to wear and also fashionable. Cargo pants are however not on the list.
Cargo pants are loose, obviously utility wise convenient because of the multiple pockets and also were very much all the rage in the 80s and 90s. The cargo looks were inspired by the Badass action heroes of the time. However this style statement has been long dead.
We can understand that they are extremely comfortable and so not so easy to get rid of. But it is important to understand that you cannot wear your Cargo pants everywhere you go.
We can we surely reserved for some casual outing but apart from that it is safe to say that you can keep wearing all Cargo pants all together. Maybe you can keep a pair in your wardrobe or maybe two but you need to get rid of the rest and also your Cargo shorts.
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