The cupid is always floating above your heads; you never know when he shoots the arrow of love. Whatever your story, every date is different and exciting. The unstitchd tells you the many kinds of dates you’ve either been or will go atheist once in the lifetime and how to dress perfectly for each of them.
1) THE BLIND DATE: This is the most exciting, spine tingling date. You haven’t seen each Tibet so obviously the first impression is going to be the last impression. Dress up like you mean it and are serious about i’m put your best foot forward look your very best. In blind dates how you dress up is how your are going to be judged by the person as you don’t really know each too well. So if you go all shabby, it will remain a blind date forever. Dress sharp and clean but without arrogance. Reflect your style boldly but a little mystery is always good.

2)THE DANCE DATE : The best thing to wear on a dance fate when you are going to the club is your favorite comfort denim with either a cool shirt or a sporty t-shirt and those trusty vans. Have a nice hairdo with perfect socks. Wear the most classy accessories that you’ve got and go burn the dance floor! Don’t forget her whole flaunting your own self.

3)CANDLE LIGHT DINNER DATE: If it is a classic dinner date then you obviously ought to look classy yourself. Be like the hero, the guy in a black and white suit with a red bow tie, opening the door for the lady of your dreams. Give her a fresh rose with you on your knees, pull the chair for her. You could also do a thirty second dance before sitting down. Stare her deep in the eyes and pour wine. You are all set to light her heart on fire!

4) THE COFFEE DATE: If it is just a casual date then dress up lightly yet not cutting down on confidence. A pair of Grey or Navy blue shorts paired with a V-neck the shirt, those trusted Vans or espadrilles and your best pair of glasses. Have the cutest look on your face and don’t get nervous. Just remember, a lot can happen over coffee. !

5)THE STAYING OVER DATE: If she’s hinted you to stay over at her place then you better not get over excited. Don’t even get excited. Make sure to keep it relaxed with romance in the air and soft music in the background, dress up to exude a sexy yet comfortable vibe. A pink shirt over the best denims along with a slight cologne would perfectly do the trick. Also, you could give your hair kind of a wet look.

Women love their men to look good. So suit up and flaunt all that you’ve got!
Image Source : wotv4women(dot)com, fakingnews.firstpost(dot)com, dailywhatz(dot)com, getanews(dot)com, dancerzblvd(dot)com
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