Man bun is one of the savage looks for men and id in trend for all the good reasons. It looks sexy and gives men the bold and rough look. Man buns are the cool and trending style this season but are also getting highly common. For men that love to stand out, there are some cool man bun styles that can give them the much desired edge and all the sexy charm. Messy Man Bun is the favourite among men when it comes to sporting a bun.
The messy man bun is essentially a much laid back casual style but still a very elegant look. This style is great for men who do have a very long hair growth and if you are looking for a hairstyle to compliment your messy look then this style is great for you. You need to start off with nice and clean hair. Although it is preferred by men with longer hair, it is a great style even for by men with not a very long hair length. Longer hair basically means a bigger bun. If you have a short hair and still wish to have a bigger bun, a nice trick will be to curl your hair. That will increase the volume. Also, you can lightly tug on the bun and make it a bit loose thus increasing the volume.
The Messy man bun need not be styled in a particular way; all you need to do is just tie a bun after gathering your hair. This gives the casual look and the perfect out of bed look. You could also apply some hair product to give your hair a bit of shine and wet look. Different combinations are possible with the messy man bun.
Here are the few best Messy Man Bun Styles that you should definitely know:
Low Messy Man Bun:
The low messy man bun is in trend since few years and is also among the recent favourites. This is helpful for those who do not have long hair. In this the hair is tied behind the neck and the hair on top and the side s is kept messy and as it is and is not tied. Pairing it with a beard is one of the best options to increase the sexy factor.
High Messy Man Bun:
High messy man bun is another style that is in the limelight from the last couple of years. This look gives the badass impression when flaunted. The hair length does not really matter in this style of man bun, but the longer the better. You can just tie the hair on top as a bun and let the remaining of the sides and back be as it is. Just like the low man bun you can sport a beard along with the high messy bun.