Beard grooming is not as expensive as often perceived. You can achieve a good look with some pocket friendly products as well, as long as you have the grooming skills and tools.
A good quality beard shampoo, as opposed to a soap, will nourish your beard hair. Soap often leads to dryness and hair fall as it is harsh on your skin. Beard shampoo works best when used with a nice conditioner. This is a bit extravagant but totally worth it. You do not need to shampoo daily. Once in two or three days will do if you do not have very oily skin. On days you don’t use a shampoo, you can always just rinse it well for hygiene. You can use towel or tissue to dry it out.
Next you need a nice bristled brush and a Beard comb with narrow teeth on one side and wide on the other. This helps to easily get rid of knots as well as tame the beard. It also helps in spreading beard nourishment products evenly.
Beard balm or beard oil help in protecting your hair as well as styling it or even for basic ‘keeping your beard in control through the day’. A basic Beard trimmer with blade adjustment and razor or scissors depending on your skill and convenience.
It is very important to regularly clean the tools!
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