The skin fade still remains an awesome way to cut your hair on the sides and the pompadour hairstyle suits this look. The Skin Fade Pompadour Hairstyle is among the sexiest and the trendiest hairstyles of 2017 and 2018. Because of this super short cut and the contrast it creates, people’s eyes automatically jump to the nice textured style of this neat pomp. The faded look can be a boon and a great companion along with the pompadour. Different styles of fade can be sported with the regular pomp to get this amazing look.
For the side fade Pompadour look the sides aretrimmed and faded. Now this can be tricky, but if you do it in the right way, all eyes on you boy! This look or the pomp fade or the skin fade was the best pompadour hairstyle in 2017 and it won’t be any less in 2018. It is an easy job for the barbers because there is no sides to work back on. The skin fade is basically done by trimming the hair behind and the sides to the point that the skin can be visible.
Before pulling this off in style, you have to get yourself a good hairdresser who you can trust with your hair. Either shave the sides off or trim it to the lowest. After doing this, you are ready to rock. Skin fade Pomp as we mentioned are among the latest and the trendiest looks for men and there are some variations that take this look to the next level.
The skin fade also looks good with the beard. You should be aware that the beard is not the easiest of looks to pull off. To start with, you should tailor the length and width of both your pompadour and beard to suit your face shape. Then, once you have your ideal look, you’ll need to regularly style, trim, and maintain both the hair on your head and your face to keep this combination appearing sharp and sophisticated.