The piece of jewelry which is attached to the ear with the help of piercing the earlobe or any other part of the ear is called earrings. Clip earring are also available which can be worn without piercing and can be clipped to the earlobes. The earrings used by men are different in style and material from that of woman. The can be worn casually at a party, a wedding, etc. Some men wear earrings as a part of tradition or custom. They come in different shape and sizes and also of different materials such as metal, plastic, gems, etc. Earring is worn as a style statement among the new and young generation. Circular earrings, metal studs, screw shape earring, magnet earrings, etc. are the most commonly used earrings that are trending in fashion
6 Must Have Earrings / Studs for Every Man
1. Circular or semicircular earrings
The circular earrings or semi-circular earrings are also called hoop earrings. They are called hoop earrings because they can be opened so as to pass through the ear piercing. Mainly made out of metal tubing and has a thin wire attachment. These kind of earrings helps in elevating your everyday look. Circular earrings can be a very simple yet effective piece of accessory for men if worn correctly. They come in different colours which help in matching it with your outfits. Some earrings are colourful and can be opted to flaunt that perfect bohemian look. If you are planning to wear traditional attire then circular or semi-circular earrings are the best option.
2. Metal studs
Metal studs can give you the stylish look and will definitely add that tinge of charm to the attire you wear. These metal studs are made up of supreme quality material which makes it light weight (unless you want your earring to be hanging down your earlobe). They are also made up of skin friendly material. Metal studs are used by a wide range of people and has been used by men since olden times and never go out of fashion. They are trendy, super stylish and often give men the spunky look. These metal studs do not necessarily need a special occasion to be worn. One can wear it on a daily basis with any kind of attire they want.
3. Gemstone Stud earrings
Some earrings are made up of precious stones like diamonds, pearls, gold etc. These earrings are mostly worn on special occasions. They can also be worn on a daily basis and depends from person to person. Most of the gemstone stud earrings are handmade and thus reflects pure craftsmanship. The gemstone earring also reflects luxury and richness.
4. screw shape earrings/studs
Screw shaped earring is another type of earring which makes use of the piercing technique. They are also called fake gauges because they look like gauges which make use of stretching of the earlobe technique. These kind of earrings have different kind of designs and structures fitted to a thin metal which goes through the earlobe. It is tightened on the backside of the earlobe which helps in keeping the earring steady.
5. magnet earrings
Magnetic earrings are the latest form of earring. As the name suggests they are made up of magnets and hold the earring in place with the help of magnetic force. These kinds of earrings simulates the look of the other earrings which have to be pierced like the stud earring, screw shaped earrings, etc. These kinds of earrings come in different shapes and colours and are the most trendy and fashionable earring type. If you don’t want your ears to be pierced but still want to sport an earring, then magnet earrings are a good option.
6. Gauge earrings
Gauge earrings mainly come in bigger sizes and makes use of the stretching of the earlobe technique rather than piercing. Gauge earrings do not have screws or any kind of pins to hold the earring in place. To wear gauges earlobes have to be stretched according to the thickness of the earring. These earrings are rarely worn by many people because the earlobes have to be stretched instead they opt for a screw shaped earring as they provide the same look as that of a gauge earring. Gauge earrings are a very bold styling accessory.
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