
Dog Tags for Men – Is It Time To Say Goodbye Yet?

The Dog Tags

Dog tags are a retro style statement for men. These comprise of a Silver chain and a rectangular dog tag. They were often worn around the neck are tied around the rest or even tied on your backpack. It was a very cool style statement because it was very similar to the army look. Also with the growing popularity of the character Wolverine, that dog tag got even more reputation.

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However this style statement has been dead over the past few years and so it is time to get rid of this accessory from your wardrobe completely. It is an immature style statement and also does not go well with any look at all. The entire craze for this style was popularised by Hollywood movies and the image that it brought along. But this craze has been dead for quite some time now and even you must have not worn it from a very long time so just as well get rid of the same.

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