Crew length socks are short and thick socks which can be worn every day, it lies between ankle length and mid-calf length so most of the socks come under both categories. Crew length socks are generally worn with casual shoes during winter for outdoor activities like hiking, skiing or running. They give protection to your lower leg from rocks and brush. Depending on how long your leg is they can sometime reach up to the calves. Since they are generally worn with athletic shoes but the dress socks are of the similar length. Long pants can hide the top portion of the socks.
top 10 crew length socks you should be knowing
1. nike crew length socks
2. Champion crew length socks
3. Dickies crew length socks
4. Wigwam crew length socks
5. Darn Tough crew length socks
6. SOLAX crew length socks
7. Thorlo crew length socks
8. Fruit of the Loom crew length socks
9. Puma crew length socks
10. MadSportsStuff crew length socks
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