It is the wonderful winter time when all you need to do to look fashionable is carry off the cool winter look! The season is all about staying warm and cozy but fashion Trends This Winter does not have to be at the cost of fashion. In fact a winter-look can be fashionable as well as pocket friendly.
1) Greys are IN this season. It is winter, when all your darker shades come out. Grey is elegant and pleasant. Also it keeps you warm. A grey sweater or grey shirt can do wonders to your look. However, you need not restrict yourself as grey goes well as chinos, trousers and jackets as well. It is the one shade that will make you look stylish at all times and in any form!
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2) Another Trends This Winter statement that can potentially elevate your look is KNITS! Knits are never out of style and you can bring your knits out every year for several years as they are long-lasting. They are warm and comforting. So you can be comfortably fashionable! Knitted sweaters and cardigans look smart and trendy.
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3) Shearling look! This is new in fashion however it has helped us through winters for several years. The shearling is basically winter wear made out of sheep wool. It is usually thicker and also light weight. These are convenient for the bachelors that do not wash their clothes on a daily basis! It stays fresh for a long time and also, the older it is, the more comfortable it feels!
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4) Squares and patches are back again! However, this time try them on your sweaters. I do agree that stripes have been a classic and cannot be replaced, however, if you wish to jazz up your look and keep up with the new trends, try big and bold patches and squares on your sweaters or even shirts! The overall effect is elegant and serious but also fun. You can carry off such sweater at your university as well as a date! Just remember to pair it up with a pair of trendy spectacles.
5) The last trend this season is again in terms of color as the first one. This time it’s WINE! Wine has in itself an elegant and classy appeal which is carried forward by its color as well. It is one of the exotic colors and also not easily worn by men simply because men tend to be ignorant and often opt for a black or blue! Try something new this season. Treat yourself well with a wine shirt or a wine sweater. Wine cardigan or jacket is also a great look however a wine cardigan is not as flexibly worn as a wine sweater. It is not as versatile. But when you do wear it, it will make heard turn!

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