Dressing up perfectly is not everyone’s cup of tea. Many end up looking younger or too matured. If you are an adult and are in search of a good blog that can help you on – how to dress like an adult than you have landed on the right page. We earlier mentioned 6 styling tips to dress according to your age; today’s blog is similar but also different at the same time. Many of you might think styling a formal suit can make anyone look like an adult but let me tell you it’s not that easy. Not all can carry off formal look flawlessly as for that you also require perfect attitude and some confidence. Here is a complete guide for men on- dress like an adult.
Here Are Some Rules Man Should Follow To Dress Like An Adult:
1. Analyse the look you want and then go for it.
2. Invest in good hangers and iron to avoid crumpled outfit like the teenagers.
3. Try to buy those suits that are a perfect fit or get it tailored before styling.
4. Opt for denim that is a dark wash, well-constructed and slim fit. Avoid baggy jeans as it looks a bit juvenile.
5. Go for outfit layering wisely. Invest in good overcoats and jacket that look sharp.
6. If you want to dress like an adult you have to get rid of caps as it can make you look like a student.
7. Avoid accessorises like dog tag, bracelets and studs as grown-ups avoid it.
8. Replace your nylon messenger bag with leather briefcase this will enhance your personality.
9. Invest in ties, cufflinks, tie pins, pocket squares to flaunt your style.
10. Try to go for good contrast colours, make sure you don’t opt for too bold colours as it may break your look.
11. Avoid styling sport shoes with denim instead try out chukka boots for better results.
12. Knowing when to style shorts is a key factor to dress like an adult.
13. Avoid graphic or printed tees and replace it with solid colour t-shirt as it gives you matured look.