Skin problems are an issue for men as much as they are for women. You have cuts and scars, acne, marks, stickiness, dark circles and a whole list of issues that wash away the natural charm and glow hidden beneath the layer of stress and pollution.
This 7 step routine will ensure your face remains clear always.
Step 1:
You must start off your day with a nice clean face wash. For this first fill some water in your mouth till your cheeks are full blown. This will open up any clogged pores. Now, splash water on your face. Splashing does not only freshen you up but also clears up your pores instantly.
Step 2:
Next you need to use a nice face wash for face. Men often just use soap and that is not right as your face requires more care than the rest of your body. This is because the face is more fragile than the rest of your body. You must use a mild face wash for the morning because all you need to clear out is the dead skin formed while you were asleep. This does not require a strong cleansing agent.
Step 3:
Next step is to use a moisturizer with sun protect in it. This is very important. Harmful rays can disrupt your melanin content and cause pigmentation. Also give you black heads and acne. Men with oily face must use a more natural face moisturizer which is not very sticky. Also, you must ensure you use it in small quantities.
Step 4:
It is very important to carry around sunglasses at all times. Helmet if you are riding a bike protects you from sun as well. It is important to wash your face multiple times a day. But use only water. Too much face wash will make your face dry. It is also essential to carry around tissues and wet wipes. You can roll up some toilet paper and carry that along because that is after all the softest tissue paper.
Step 5:
Once you reach home it is very important to use a good face wash which is a bit strong to ensure your all day long pollution and dirt is cleaned off smoothly. Also you may use an exfoliator or scrub once a week for that extra rub if you suffer from acute acne. Taking a steam for your face once a week is also beneficial for keeping your pores clean. Just a basic hot water steam is just fine but you may use essential oils and herbs for a better result. But both exfoliation and steam should be limited to just once a week. Too much of anything is not beneficial.
Step 6:
It is very important to get a good healthy and relaxing sleep. While you sleep your skin gets rid of all the dirt and dead skin particles on your body. It also heals and refreshes your skin and makes you glow.
Step 7:
Healthy eating habits like fruits, lots of liquids, lots of water, green vegetables etc. are all good for your skin. Lemon is especially great for the skin so are beetroots and cucumbers. Alcohol, smoking and other such vices cause stress to your skin. This makes it dull and dark. On the other hand exercising makes your skin radiant and glow. It takes away stress and age off your skin!
A healthy and happy skin is free from acne and pores. You can actually see the benefits in a month. This routine can also help through puberty. Skin issues lead to low self-confidence. Healthy skin is happy skin and that is the best way to combat your insecurities.

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