Hat has always been a man’s Best Friend. It was originally used as a class distinction. There were certain hats like the top hat or the bowler hat that were reserved for the wealthy class. Thus these hats still symbolise wealth and prosperity. Apart from that hats were actually created in order to protect the head. It is a shield against wind and also a strong protection against Sun’s heat.
How about now we come to the fashion importance of this accessory. Hats have been brought back to fashion just the past year. This is a wonderful opportunity for celebration amongst men. Hats make men look smarter as well as taller. Also it helps to cover of your bald patches or scanty hair.
This is surely an extremely worthy investment because it will completely alter your look and give you a unique style statement that will be a conversation starter as well as give you the limelight! Hat is not only a style for Older men but have been transformed into several other styles like the Panama hat or the flat top hat in order to make room for men of different age groups.
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