Are White Kitchens Evergreen Or Outdated?

A Somewhat Complex Question
Styles and trends are funky, moving targets which tend to be cyclical in nature. You may think tie-dyed shirts are “new”. They kind of are, but really they’re a representation of that which comes around subsequent to monochromatic professional styling. In England you had the renaissance, the reformation, and a time period explored in a film called “Restoration”.

This film took place in the 1600s (or the 17th century, as history books label it). In the 1500s, Shakespeare held sway. By the end of the 1600s, the King James Bible was translated, and soon Oliver Cromwell fought against debauchery in a way leading to the reformation. In backlash to the reformation, England under Charles II was exceptionally debauched.

In Shakespeare’s time, under queen Victoria, things were a bit more flamboyant in England. Cromwell, segueing from King James’ attempt to bring scripture to England, brought more structured civility back, and the flamboyant styles of the 1500s were out. But then under Charles II, in came the debauchery again, and everybody dressed in multicolored styles.

You see the cycle? From flamboyance to cloistered monochromatic schemes, back to flamboyance. This is the cycle and pattern of history. That which was once in style goes away, then comes back. And some things are almost timeless in that they retain style. Castle kitchen design today is similar to that of the past. White kitchens are also essentially “evergreen”.

What Is “Evergreen”?
An evergreen tree retains its color even during the coldest winter. Its pine needles are not shed as the seasons change. This reality has resulted in the term “evergreen” being used to describe a variety of content, decoration, and entertainment styles. For example, Ray Romano has “evergreen” jokes as they deal with timeless themes like family.

Evergreen literature is that of Shakespeare. Though we can hardly speak the same kind of English in the 21st century, we understand the timeless themes of the great bard’s work. Similar to comedy and literature, and even timeless music, there are decorative trends which will always be “in season”, as it were, regardless of trends.

Think about it: when you consider the 70s, what comes to mind? Pea-green hues and neon orange shag carpet. Those things did not stand the test of time. But if you walk into a log cabin, regardless of its era, what do you expect? Decor which matches the architecture. It would be crazy to walk into a log cabin and see a stainless steel, “hot pink” kitchen.

Part of what makes a kitchen done in pristine white colors timeless or rooted in the time it was built will be the surrounding architecture of your home. Some homes can “sustain” multiple styles, others will only work with consistent interior design which matches the overarching aesthetic of the property.

The Value Of A White Kitchen
Because the color white is much like a blank canvas, it’s relatively easy to “match” white kitchens to fit preferences of homeowners and the idiosyncrasies of the premises. A white kitchen has a quality rather like that of a mirror. As a blank canvas, it can be filled with whatever seasonal or personal décor you like.

If you’ve got a kitchen of about any color, adding white kitchen cabinets likely won’t prove to be any sort of clashing contrast. The pea-green seventies house would look fine with white cabinets near the roof. The same is true of the hot pink kitchen referenced earlier. White kitchen cabinets would even match a cabin, provided they’re made of a woody substance.

So in short, white kitchen design tends to transcend generational trends owing to said design’s chameleon-like applicability. You can do anything with a white kitchen, and it will probably match the rest of the house. The same isn’t true of a stainless steel design scheme, or one that uses dark black colors—though black is more universal than many other designs.

If you compare white kitchen design to something that incorporates multiple color schemes, the one without color is going to be ultimately more “translatable”, if you will.

Exploring Multiple Options
What could be worth doing is using things like this app to reimagine your kitchen. If you’re looking at a new house, a white kitchen is a template you can switch up to match your preferences. If you’re not looking at a new house, but your existing kitchen, you can explore what it would look like in just about any imaginable color.

Also, it can be worthwhile to get advice from local realtors or appraisers concerning your particular home, and how best to make it desirable.

While styles may lean on new trends for kitchen design, like shag carpet and pea-green paint, many of those trends or “fads” in real estate will only last a few years before disappearing. So it’s better to find more long-term options.

Determining If A White Kitchen Is Right For You
You might want to look at a few different options and explore décor of eras which are no more. For property value, always lean toward “evergreen” design, as this will make it easier for buyers to imagine their own ideas for décor. White kitchen design is one of the most useful in this regard. It’s always “in season”, and matches just about any architecture scheme.

However, it all depends on the preferences of the property owner. Maybe you want something that’s obsidian black and sucks all light in. Maybe you want some stainless steel futuristic kitchen, or a rustic wooden design that incorporates deep mahogany hues. It all depends on your preferences. However, white kitchen design is usually of an evergreen quality.

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