We are getting back to the basics people. The complete A – Z of fashion! Gone are the days when the epitome of fashion was supposedly maple leaves. Man has evolved and so has his sense of style. Over the centuries his sense of fashion has only gotten better. The fashion scene has gone through various makeovers; many new players have been added to this mix, bringing their cultures, trends and techniques with them. Trends are showing up and like unwanted guests and disappearing faster than Pizza at a 10 year olds birthday.
It sure is hard to keep up with all that’s been going on, and therefore it is only fair that an article like this is written which will help you keep a track of all that’s cool and uncool with respect to fashion.
So without further ado, let us begin.
This is a kind of Parka which basically is a coat, generally with fur or faux fur lining. It has a hood to protect the wearer from freezing. Originating in the Arctic, an Anorak is waterproof. It is generally designed as a pull over with an open front. Sometimes there are drawstrings at the waist and the cuffs.
Originally designed for U.S. Aviators (hence the name) in 1937, these are now an iconic piece of sunglasses with a thin wire frame and large. In the words of American cultural and political writer Virginia Postrel, “From the days of biplanes and silk scarves, the aviator has been the archetype of masculine glamour. Aviators have personified national ideals, from French élan to Soviet party discipline. They’ve inspired lust and admiration. They’ve turned sunglasses and short, utilitarian leather jackets into fashion statements.”
Accessories add depth to your look. They can help you make any outfit pop or stand out and also make it your own. Accessories include belts, ear studs, rings, bracelets, and other jewelry, cuff links, tie pins and tie tucks, scarves, watches, socks, suspenders and so on.
The term angarkha also called angrakha which literally translates into the ‘body protector’, used to be a traditional top which had an asymmetric opening generally with overlap and was secured to the left or the right shoulder with strings or loops. The angarkha designs incorporate a wide range of embroideries and sequin work.
This is our everything A. Watch this space for everything B.
Do try out these looks and reinvent casual!
Man has evolved and so has his sense of style. Over the centuries his sense of fashion has improved. The fashion scene is very dynamic; many new players have been added to this mix, bringing their cultures, trends and techniques with them. Creativity and Innovation are causing new trends to emerge one after the other at breathtaking speeds.
We know how hard it is to keep up with all that’s been going on, and therefore it is only fair that an article like this be written which will help you keep a track of all that’s cool and uncool with respect to fashion. You know get back to the basics. The ABC of fashion!
We have already begun this journey. The first destination has been covered and now we embark on everything B.
The angrakha or angarkha is the predecessor of the Bandhgala. A Bandhgala is traditionally a Jodhpuri suit, popular during the era of colonization of India by the British. It is a perfect example of a fusion outfit where the east and west come together in perfect harmony. It is an ensemble of a coat and a trouser which incorporates beautiful embroidery and traditional Indian designs with western cuts to give us a really classy piece of apparel.
Beanie is a small close fitting skull cap. It originated in the United States of America and is really popular amongst children and college freshmen. I personally love them especially in nice bright hues, perfect for when the weather gets nippy or when you are having a bad hair day.
Bean Boot
First designed by L. L. Bean, the bean boots are made using both rubber and leather. The rubber is used to make the sole of the boots whereas the leather forms the upper part of the boots. The rubber gives the boots a very strong and durable foundation. It helps in making the boots fit for rains or winters. The leather adds style and comfort. These shoes became an instant success with prep school students.
Black Tie
Well there is your tie in “black color” and then there is “Dress Code: Black Tie”. The first is pretty clear and the second well, if you don’t get it right, you come off looking like a riff raff when you need to look really sophisticated and that too at a high end event, in front of some really important people. So it is really important to get it right to the t. The black tie ensemble consists of: a black dinner jacket, a matching pair of black trousers, a black waistcoat, formal, or a cummerbund, formal white shirt, black dress socks formal black shoes and of course the man of the hour: a black bow tie.
Boat Shoes
As the name suggests, these shoes were designed to be worn on a boat. They were originally worn by sailors. The sole was designed to provide a firm grip while on the wet deck. Even the upper material had an oil coating to repel water. Although the stitching is durable, one needs to keep in mind that these shoes were designed only for wearing on boats. If you wear them on rough surfaces they are bound to get damaged faster. Boat shoes are to be worn without socks.
Bomber Jacket
A bomber jacket is really cool. Originally created for military pilots, it is that kind of clothing that looks good on just about anybody. Beating the cold has never looked so sexy. Ever since its inception in 1917, many variations have been added to this fine piece of clothing. Thus people today have a wide range of options to choose from. They can customize the lining, padding and look according to their specifications.
A boutonniere is a flower decoration worn by men. It is worn through the lapel hole and is a part of a formal ensemble reserved for special occasions like weddings, proms, and funerals. The choice of flower is usually a carnation (white, red or green), a gardenia, rose (red or white), primrose, poppies (red), cornflowers (blue) or orchids. A boutonniere is the mark of a stylish and dapper gentleman. It looks classy and separates the man from the boys.
Bow Tie
A bow tie is a type of neck tie that consists of a ribbon or fabric, mostly silk, polyester, cotton or something blended, tied around the collar of a dress shirt so as to form a bow. Initially bow ties needed to be self tied. There were very few men who got it right to the t. But fret not boys, for due to its rise in popularity now even pre tied bow ties and clip on bow ties are easily available in the market. Bow ties are a nice way to class things up and exude the old world charm.
Irish in origin, the brogues are low heeled boots. The upper layer is generally made of leather, and is not a single piece but several pieces stitched together. There are small decorative holes or perforations throughout the shoes which are pleasing to the eye. There are 8 types of brogues classified according to two parameters: cap style and closure style. According to the style of the toe cap design, brogues are wingtip, semi, quarter or long wing and depending upon the style of the closure, they are Oxfords, Derby, Ghillie or Monk. The Oxfords and Derby’s are more popular.
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