Don’t let a fashion faux cost you a job, of course what you wear won’t guarantee you the job of your dreams but believe me first impression plays a very vital role. Your interview starts the moment you enter the office and haven’t even spoken words, that’s when your attire does the talking from top to bottom, here’s when your smart interview outfit works miracles.
Suits never go out of fashion. Also, remember No jeans, No trainers, No jeans. Dark, sober colours are always good and cotton wins over linen, even in the summer – linen creases ridiculously easily. Shoes should be brown or black – black with a black, grey or blue suit, brown with a brown or blue suit. Avoid mixing black and brown and always go for leather, not suede.
Similarly, avoid showy patterns on ties that can distract an interviewer. Ideally the tie will complement the whole ensemble, so it should be matched with the shirt as well as the suit. It’s always easiest to go with a plain, white shirt and a non-patterned, single-coloured tie.
Always remember, if you look great, you’ll feel great and if you feel great, there will be a much higher chance of you rocking your interview. go get that job in style! Good luck!

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