Wear a shirt! Try royal blue if you are tanned or of a darker skin tone and lime if you are very fair and be a date night pro. A darker shade of royal blue is great for a fair skin tone. You may wear white or even maroon as long as it is not too bright and shiny. Keep your shirts plain but you may try some self-printed or self-patterned shirts. They add some style to your overall look. Keep the collars nice and stiff at all times!
Accessorize with a cool watch. Remember date night calls for a leather belt with black dial! You may add a bow tie to add some spunk! I personally believe bow-ties should always be in fashion and I’m glad it’s finally back! In fact you get really funky ones too. But don’t go very crazy. This is a new fashion trend and also my favourite tip – wear nerdy frames. They just look really cool but smart!
Want to bring out your charm but look effortlessly classy? It is important to be able to strike the perfect balance between uptight office going man and the fun and charming evening guy! You need to be both to make women swoon. And here is how to do it right!
Wear chinos of a dark brown shade or dark blue and even black. Try boots that match your belt in shade of mauve with blue or brown chinos and brown for beige chinos. Basically anything goes well with black so you can try brown or mauve and that’s safe but you may add spunk with brown, beige or Persian blue! You may add a sports jacket for style; make sure it is edgy but not bright.
This look goes well with the ladies irrespective of their outfit because you always look like the perfect couple! Leave comments for any further queries and requests for articles!

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