
What To Wear While You Work From Home

Dress Codes for Men While Working From Home…

With the outbreak of Corona virus,many companies have adopted the Work From Home Policy. In order to reduce the effects of Corona Virus, employees are expected to work from home!

However, working from home has it’s own set of pros and cons. While at one point you have all the comfort, chances are you may also lose productivity and get distracted most of the times.

Home is where you feel the most comfortable, you can eat, sleep and work whenever you want. And you can wear whatever you want! But this is where things go wrong. No fixed sleeping schedules, no one to supervise and most importantly spending your whole day in pajamas. While working from home gives you your own space and time, it also affects your productivity!

Believe me or not, but clothes too, play an important role here! Clothes affect your mood and so wearing the right kind of clothes even while your working from home is important. Wearing pajamas will only and only add more to your laziness and may also affect your work!

On the contrary, wearing something more decent like a T shirt and trouser will make you feel more confident and lively. Also, what if you’re suddenly asked for a video call? Remember, if you don’t look ready to face the world, it will affect your productivity and you might also lose some really good opportunities!

Working from home shouldn’t make you look like a homeless person! You still gotta dress up! And if you’re not sure what you should be wearing while working from home, don’t worry! We’ve got you some ideas, you can take inspiration from! These outfit ideas are cool, comfortable and so very decent!

What Should You Actually Wear While Working From Home?

Something too formal like a Suit? Nah,obviously not! Something too casual like pajamas? No, No, Never! Then, what is it? Something like the Smart Casuals! A shirt, polo t- shirt, chinos, trousers, work shorts and in the most rare and important case, a blazer!

These outfits will definitely improve your productivity and will also provide you with the right amount of comfort. Not too much and not too less! So head down to check some of our picked options and decide what works best for you…

Here are few outfits that you should wear while you work from home..

Dressing Up for Work from home

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So this was our collection of ideas for work from home. Let us know what suits you the best! Also, remember your work from home attire is based on 3 important things – Comfort, Style and Faking an attire! You either choose comfort and where shorts with shirt! Choose style wearing shirt and chinos or fake it wearing a blazer in those rare emergency cases where you need to look professional even while you’re working from home!

Also make sure your beard and hair is rightly trimmed! No messy or homeless looks please! Trim your beard and comb your hair! Work from home but don’t take laziness take over! Complete your task, be productive and enjoy your comfort!