Its not simple to grow a beard, there’s much more to know about it.
You need to know these Beard facts for sure!
1) Facial hair grows more in summer .
2) Scientists believe that prehistoric men had beards for – warmth, protection and intimidation against blows to face.
3) Beards grow 5.5 inches per year. In fact the average number of whiskers on a man’s face is 30,000.
4) A man spends 3350 hours shaving in his lifetime.
5) Beards help you to filter the pollutants and toxins.
6) Studies have shown that women find a man with a full beard more attractive than a clean shaven look.
7) Facial hair grows faster when a man hasn’t had sex for a while.
8) Beards never grow faster as you shave. Its a myth !
9) Otto the Great always swore by his Beard when saying anything serious.
10) An abnormal fear of beards is called POGONOPHOBIA.
11) Abraham Lincoln grew a beard in the late 1860 when a little girl from New York gave him advice.
12) Shamsher Singh of Punjab, India had his beard officially measured in 1997 at an astonishing 1.83 metres. It is the longest a male has ever had.
13) Beards make you 63% more likely to win a staring contest.
14) Before Sir Thomas More was beheaded he moved his lengthy beard aside saying ” it had not committed any treason”
15) Beards were dangerous in hand to hand combat. Alexander the Great made all the shoulders shave the beards before the battle of Ardela.
You must also read –
16) High ranking ancient Egyptians dyed their beards and had them plaited with gold thread. Just to show sovereignty.
17) Ancient philosophers retained their beards as a sign of their profession.
18) Beards were once taxed. Peter the great encouraged beardlessness in men. Those who did not obey were charged 100 rubles for a medallion.
19) Around 55% of world men sport some or the other form of facial hair.
20) If you stopped shaving forever you would have a beard approximately 7.5 feet long. !
I hope you were amazed by these facts ! Keep reading more blogs to keep yourself updated.!
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