The chevron moustache is a style for older men. This style was popularized by Richard Burke, Monica’s love interest in Friends the tv show. This style was all the fad because friends was all the fad in that period. So this is often considered as an older style but the chevron has been revamped and brought back in the form of a more casual and versatile style. This version comprises of a more slimmer or casual chevron
The walrus on the other hand is a bit more grizzly. While this style requires a straight bottom facing moustache, it is different from chevron because in case of the walrus, you must snip off the bottom of your moustache to give more definition to the moustache hair and also it will lie right above your upper lip. So, basically, the walrus is a tad bit uncomfortable as compared to the chevron especially when you are eating but it is a cute and adorable style for older men!
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