Bifold wallets are smaller and slimmer in size which makes them of perfect size to keep in pockets. The business cards and credit cards are usually kept horizontally in the wallet. Generally these wallets are made from leather, but there are other options in materials apart from leather like faux leather, synthetic leather and vinyl. Bifold wallets are also available in plastic and metal. Typically this wallets folds shut and are less secure. A zip around style wallet is more secure and offers more privacy. But before buying this style of wallet you must make sure that the closure is not only secure but opens and closes properly.
Top 10 Bifold wallets you should know
1. Alpine Swiss bifold wallet
2. HISSIMO bifold wallet
3. Lositto bifold wallet
4. Fossil bifold wallet
5. Dockers bifold wallet
6. Humei bifold wallet
7. Travelambo bifold wallet
8. Badiya bifold wallet
9. Timberland bifold wallet
10. SimpacX bifold wallet
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