Wide tooth comb refers specifically to combs with large or wide spacing between the teeth. All of us desire to have long and thick hair with great bounce and shine; it is only possible if you indulge in hair care practice. Apart from Oiling, shampooing and conditioning one major aspect is combing as it ensures hair hygiene. Combing regularly prevents hair breakage and help getting great appearance. You should go for a wide tooth comb as it prevents hair knots, helps in detangling, reduce hair fall, gentle on scalp, prevents hair breakage, easier to detangle compared to fine tooth comb and reduces split ends.
Can wide tooth comb be used on wet hair?
Though hair stylists and professionals recommend using wide tooth on wet hair but I wouldn’t recommend the same because wet hair is so flimsy which can be damaged, lead to split ends, and breakage. Make sure before comb you dry your hair to avoid the risk.
Where you get wide tooth comb?
Wide tooth comb is available in plastic, wooden and steel material which is easily available in markets or malls. It is recommended to opt for a wooden comb as it prevents static and frizzy hair. Also available in variety of colors and styles you can pick any of your choice.
How to keep wide tooth comb clean?
It is very important to keep the wide tooth comb clean as the oily and greasy materials stuck on the comb can be again transferred back to the hair by combing it. You can use cold or warm water to clean the comb using an old toothbrush to reach the gaps, scrub it gently to remove all the dirt. Make sure you regularly clean the comb.
Top 10 Wide Tooth Comb You Should Be Knowing
1. pureGLO wide tooth comb
2. VANFLY wide tooth comb
3. Conair wide tooth comb
4. Cricket wide tooth comb
5. Detangling wide tooth comb
6. Ultra Clean wide tooth comb
7. Breezelike wide tooth comb
8. Plugged In wide tooth comb
9. Greenery wide tooth comb
10. FunLavie wide tooth comb